Digitrans ADRION
Prominent PLUS - Public pROcureMent of INnovation boosting greEN growTh in MED area PLUS
Improvement of Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs from Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBH) through the Enterprise Europe Network
BITNET - Business, Innovation and Technology Network
2CODE - "Cooperation for Development of Cross Border Business Environment Enhanced"
Boosting the telecommunications engineer profile to meet modern society and industry needs / BENEFIT
CODE - „Cooperation for Development of Cross Border Business Environment”
„Partnership for innovation“ (Moja praksa i Work Ready Now)
NORBOTECH - NORwegian- BOsnian TECHnology Transfer based on Sustainable Systems Engineering and Embedded Systems in the fields of Cloud Computing and Digital Signal Processing
Support to Entrepreneurial Activities of Young People
New employment of IT experts and foundation of new IT companies
Business Incubators: Success Model for Creating Favorable Environment for Local and Regional Development
BIT Centar II
Tuzla Wireless City
BIT Trening Centar
BIT Centar (Business Innovation and Technology Centar)